Mobility Projects 1

Mobility Projects 1

Didaxé's Consortium in Sevilla

Our consortium assisted the operators of Praktica Formacion in their “networking” tasks in the city of Sevilla and throughout Andalucia.
The participants met adult education bodies and training centres for disadvantaged categories (such as Prodetur and Praktica Formacion itself), business incubators (Cartuja Scientific and Technological Park), migrant reception bodies (Sevilla Acoge and Associacion Maroquì en Sevilla), the Foundation of Sevilla F.C. (active in the field of training and support of fragile adults and migrants), and the municipality of Ecija with the entrepreneurial training bodies of SAFA and CEDE.
Not only many project ideas, within an “Erasmus” and European scope, have come up, but we reinforced the desire to cooperate between the consortium bodies in the different territories.
The first step towards new collaborations and new opportunities for the consortium, its members and the adult students who follow our activities has been taken.

Erasmus Plus KA1 Mobility Project - Adult learners - First Flow

The first mobility flow within the Adult Education sector of Erasmus Plus has been completed. 10 students recruited in cooperation with the Comune di Cellole have spent a week in Malta, inclusive of language course, social and culturale activities. The enthusiasm that invested them is a first step towards making the difference in their future.

Erasmus Plus KA1 Mobility Project - Adult learners - Second Flow

Second flow of Erasmus Plus KA1 Mobility Project – Adult learners from Italy to Malta for a week-long cultural, social and linguistic programme. They got the most out of it, and came back enriched in skills and experiences.

Dissemination of group mobility activities

Part of the Pact for Skills network, Didaxé decided to use such partnership to disseminate the value and the purpose of its activities in the Adult Education sector, its accreditation and mobility activities. Roberto Greco, president of the cooperative company and consortium coordinator and Simona Barrese, adult learner who took part in the Social Entrepreneur Academy and the group mobility to Malta, took part in a “Pact for Skills” digital conference, sharing Simona’s success story. Simona, infact, took part in the Social Entrepreneur Academy, being part of category at risk of marginalisation, with her being at economical disadvantage (ISEE inferior to 15k) and unemployed (from southern Italy, therefore exposed to a lower job offer). She then took part in the mobility project and finally got involved and engaged with Didaxé, as she’s now having a National Volunteering Servant experience in Officine Didaxé, our villa confiscated to camorra in Baia Domizia, Cellole. In this video you’ll find and extract of the intervention of Roberto Greco and Simona to the “Pact for Skills” confernce.

Dissemination of Invited experts mobility

The center for the promotion of Science of Belgrade publish an blog article to tell its audience about their experience in Caserta and Cellole at Didaxé.
As referred, Katarina Stekic, Danijela Vucicevic and Aleksa Vlasic spent a week in both Didaxé offices of Caserta and Cellole in order to share best practices and methodologies within the adult education sector within the topic of climate change and produced the Climate Capsule “scientific/artistic” installation in both location in order to raise awareness on the topic.

Here is the article

EAEA network

We are part of the EAEA network and we dissaminated our mobility projects on their newsletter.

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