Mobility Projects 4
Mobility project in Rotterdam
Alberto Piazzalunga from Itinerari Paralleli took part, for the second consecutive year, to the Placemaking week conference in Rotterdam at the end of September.
A great opportunity of networking together with the possibility of taking part in classes, courses and workshops as well as interacting with professionals, trainers and sustainability managers from all over EU. An inspiring week for Alberto, Itinerari Paralleli and our consortium.
Dissemination of mobility projects and accreditation
Roberto Greco and Pasquale Verrengia took part in an Infoday initiative named Minturno (LT): Erasmus + per l’educazione degli adulti e il terzo settore. Uno sguardo sul territorio di confine tra Lazio e Campania Minturno: Erasmus + for adult education and third sector. A insight on the border land between Lazio and Campania.
During the conference, the operators from Didaxé discussed the value of the accreditation and the opportunities offered in terms of community development and human capital requalification. They also focused on the challanges that they face in the territory of Cellole and in general the area of Caserta, and how Erasmus Plus is supporting their initiative.